BookTranslator is a groundbreaking tool designed to help readers access literature from around the world, no matter the language barrier. Leveraging the power of ChatGPT API, BookTranslator provides users with the ability to translate whole books swiftly and precisely. The supported file formats include EPUB and PDF, with a generous maximum file size allowance of 50MB. Users can experience one-click full book translations, ensuring the original intent and nuances of the authors are preserved, thereby broadening their literary horizons with minimal effort.
Offering multi-language support, BookTranslator covers a wide spectrum of languages including Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, French, German, and more, truly putting world languages at your fingertips. Not only does it facilitate a seamless reading experience across these languages, but it also provides bilingual comparison translations. This feature enhances content understanding by allowing readers to compare the original text with its translated counterpart side by side.
Speed is a highlight of the service—users can enjoy ultra-fast translation times, with most translations completed in just a minute or two, revolutionizing the reading experience by eliminating long waits associated with traditional translation. An instant notification system keeps users up-to-date, alerting them via app notifications or email as soon as their translation is ready. This allows readers to dive back into their reading adventures without any delay.
BookTranslator supports EPUB and PDF file formats.
50MB is the maximum file size that can be uploaded for translation.
Yes, it offers one-click translations for whole books, whether novels or textbooks.
You can translate books into multiple languages, including but not limited to Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, French, and German.
The translation speed is ultra-fast, typically completing a translation in just one or two minutes.
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